Soil & Spirit

Audiobook References

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Layers of Forest & Correlation to Self

Page 149

Note that in a forest, layers exist below ground that are invisible to the naked eye. Similarly, there are layers that may extend beyond or above what we perceive visually. How does this correlate to Self? 

We are integrated beings with aspects of Self that extend “below” or “above” our perceptive abilities. By intentionally focusing attention at the outer limits of our awareness we can expand our understanding of Self.

Structure of Soil & Structure of Self

Page 150

Soil is made up of sand, silt, clay and organic matter. The composition of these materials determines the health and vitality of the soil. Diversity creates resilience. As above, so below. 

Think about your internal landscape. In what ways could you restructure or alter the distribution of those inner materials to create greater wellbeing, awareness, and inclusiveness in your life? Is there an ideal ratio of these materials to create optimal vitality and receptivity?

Faith Based Similarities & Simplification

Page 182

Though there is immense variance among world religions, we see here that they can all be understood categorically. Approaching faith-based philosophies in this way allows us to see they each provide a conceptual template to approach The Ultimate. In other words, all roads lead to a single destination or home. 

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Live to Learn,
Learn to Love,
Love to Live,

Ian C