Finding Fertility at the Shores of Your Internal Edge Zone
Doing the “inner work” may not be easy, but it can be simple. We merely need to rehearse the process of pattern identification. Then, the exciting work of designing and living a more fulfilling life begins.
Is Hope an Action Word in Your Dictionary?
Hope is a verb, an action word. If we are to alter our circumstances in life, whatever they may be, we must work from within our Selves to make that change and reclamation possible. Here we explore why this is the case and how we make it so.
What the April Thunderblizzard of 2018 Taught Me: Perspective
A reminder to keep perspective and remain grounded in gratitude when you're not feeling like your best self.
Conscious Commitment
How many times have you been determined to make a change in your life? Were you successful? If we are to be successful in that change we must be aware of AND respond to our surroundings, internally and externally.
Authenticity & Assessment
What would life be without the unending frontier of fear and the many growth-opportunities it presents? This first U&i blog focuses on the importance of assessment when designing a more authentic life.