I tackle topics others shy away from like the raw depth of the inner terrain and the intricacies of organizational culture. I create clarity from complexity and offer form to the formless.

Ian is known for facilitating deep, authentic experiences that promote clarity and insight. His breadth and depth of content will engage your audience with disarming humor, sincerity, and wit. Think Gary Keller’s systems mind meets Brené Brown’s courage and vulnerability— with a natural twist.

Personal Content

Ian integrates regenerative design, eastern philosophy, and the pragmatism of western science to create a unique and powerful personal development framework.

Professional Content

Ian specializes in combining process optimization, wellbeing integration, and environmental restoration. He delivers content that’s seamlessly woven into the fabric of a company’s culture.

Speaking Engagements

Ian speaks at conferences, events, organizations, executive dinners, podcasts, retreat centers, wellness studios, and many other venues both virtually and in person.

Your Next Steps

  1. Get more information, keynote topics, and interview prep materials.

  2. Request Ian as a speaker for your event, organization, or podcast.

  • "This is the work we need in order to fully realize a paradigm shift in our world.”

    -Conference Attendee

  • "Honestly, I need to metabolize the experience over the next few days in order to summarize exactly what I am taking away tonight. It was a delicious mouthful and I’m still chewing."

    -Workshop Attendee

  • “I’m writing to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation. Your overview of the philosophy and practices that provide the basis for your training has given us a valuable reference we can turn to as we go forward. Thank you so much.”

    -Executive Dinner Attendee

  • "Honestly a very engaging talk, loved the audience participation.

    -Guest Lecture Attendee

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